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Inktober- The Battle of 2018

Every year, October rolls around just as we settle into the rhythm of the new school year. The challenge has arrived! What challenge you ask? Well, Inktober of course! The 31 day challenge that pushes artists across the world to complete one ink piece each day of October, hence the name Inktober. Normally, our account fills with ink sketches in the beginning. A week later, we're back to the regular posting schedule. This year, we planned ahead. We are happy to announce that we have successfully completed Inktober this year! Sure, there were a couple of almost-missed-the-deadline-oh-shoot! moments, but overall, it went pretty well. Following the prompts was a nice experience, at least for me, because normally I pick a random idea and just run with it and having structure prevents me from overthinking and losing motivation. Although planning was pretty limited for each day, the schedule really helped keep us on track. For any aspiring young artists out there, Dancing Bear recommends:

1. An inspiring set of prompts for each day

2. A couple of friends to share the responsibility

3. Someone to hold everyone responsible to finish their tasks (this one is especially important)

4. A set of easy-to-use pens (ballpoint, brush, or gel, it really doesn't matter)

We hope that our Inktober adventures only get better from here! If anyone has prompts they want to see next year, contact us!

Have fun and experiment a little!

- Rain Cat

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